Psychological Assessment
What is Psychological Testing?
Testing is often requested by schools, doctors, parents, or by yourself to answer a variety of psychological questions. What is an appropriate psychological diagnosis? How can we better understand the underlying mechanisms of a given behavior, academic, or psychological problem? Are learning difficulties best explained by ADHD, learning disabilities, or something else?
Overall, our primary goal is to help you better understand your strengths and weaknesses. We all have them!
What is the Testing Process?
Out testing process typically involves three sessions:
Session 1: A two-hour virtual clinical interview
Session 2: In-person testing (typically involves IQ/achievement testing, among other assessments)
Session 3: A one-hour virtual feedback session (includes discussion about testing results, any relevant diagnoses, and recommendations)
Depending on scheduling and each unique case, we may combine sessions or adapt the schedule to best meet your needs. Assessments usually involve an in-depth interview(s), IQ and achievement testing, self-report measures, surveys completed by parents/teachers/significant others, and other testing measures that will help address your specific questions. Most evaluations also involve review of academic and relevant medical records. Psychological assessments are often very complex because common concerns (e.g., inattention, hyperactivity, anger, defiance, etc.) can be caused by many things.​​
Insurance & Payment
Please note that we do not check insurance coverage. This means that you are liable for testing costs that your insurance does not cover. We highly recommend you call your insurance company as soon as possible to check coverage. When you call, you can inform them you are completing psychological testing and that the most likely CPT codes used will be the following: 90791, 96136/96137, 96138/96139, 96130/96131. The payment is due in full by the time of the feedback session and will be charged directly following the final appointment.
How to Set Up an Assessment
Due to the high demand for psychological assessment, there will be a wait period for an initial appointment. We work hard to accommodate your needs and schedule. Click "Request an Appointment" below to be added to the waitlist. We will follow up with you within one to two business days with additional information and to provide you with an estimated wait time.